Information for Parents/Carers and Young People
Preparing for Employment
Young people face lots of choice about their future careers. Many will become employed in jobs which do not yet exist and others will adjust to portfolio careers, changing jobs and career direction throughout their working lives.
Making the decision on what to do when they leave education is a daunting one and for which they will require a great deal of support.
Such support comes through the careers programme in their school/college at the core of which is personal career guidance.
Equipping the young people of today for the career choices of the future personal career guidance - an explanation of personal career guidance published by the CDI (May 2018)
Transition Support
Transition mentors offer (1 to1) support with individual students to enable them to access employment pathways through the summer period.
Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

Ian Cooper (Connexions Personal Advisor) is available in school across both centres.
Alternatively, you can contact Joanna Jones.
Connexions Wolverhampton
118 Salop Street
Phone: 01902 554499
Contact: Joanna Jones
Mobile: 0797 719 9329
Connexions can help you and give you friendly, practical support to:
Improve qualifications
Learn new skills
Find job vacancies
Apply for College, Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Write a CV
Help with job interviews
Find out more at